Tuesday, December 17, 2013


Wow…two more weeks and we’ll be saying goodbye to 2013. Can you believe that?

This year has brought my husband and I some good and not so good things:

-We welcomed my new baby nephew in April. He is the cutest thing ever!!!!

-We had to move out of our apartment, which we didn’t want to do, but it had to be done.

-My oldest sister and I got married in August. Yay!!! My husband and I tied the knot two weeks after she did. I’m really happy that we get to celebrate our anniversaries in the same month. : )

-My job hunt is still the same. Interviews come and go, and nothing. To those who lost their jobs and are still looking, I’m praying for you guys. I’ve met people who have been without a job for almost 5 or 6 years. I don’t know how you can do it, because it would drive me crazy, but I do pray that good things come your way.

-We celebrated one year of being members of a new church. I’m excited for another year and building a better, and much stronger relationship with God.

-Had a procedure, in October, to see how bad my PCOS is (I’ll talk more about that another day). I’m praying that we’re able to start a family soon.

-Last, but not least, we bought a new car a couple of weeks ago, and we LOVE it!!!

So it’s been a combination of things, but I can’t complain. It might sound like I am, especially with the not so good bad things that has happened to us this year. The important thing is that I’m here, waking up every day to something new, something different. I know that when one door closes, another one opens. I just have to be patient and trust God.

Have a wonderful week!
