Tuesday, December 17, 2013


Wow…two more weeks and we’ll be saying goodbye to 2013. Can you believe that?

This year has brought my husband and I some good and not so good things:

-We welcomed my new baby nephew in April. He is the cutest thing ever!!!!

-We had to move out of our apartment, which we didn’t want to do, but it had to be done.

-My oldest sister and I got married in August. Yay!!! My husband and I tied the knot two weeks after she did. I’m really happy that we get to celebrate our anniversaries in the same month. : )

-My job hunt is still the same. Interviews come and go, and nothing. To those who lost their jobs and are still looking, I’m praying for you guys. I’ve met people who have been without a job for almost 5 or 6 years. I don’t know how you can do it, because it would drive me crazy, but I do pray that good things come your way.

-We celebrated one year of being members of a new church. I’m excited for another year and building a better, and much stronger relationship with God.

-Had a procedure, in October, to see how bad my PCOS is (I’ll talk more about that another day). I’m praying that we’re able to start a family soon.

-Last, but not least, we bought a new car a couple of weeks ago, and we LOVE it!!!

So it’s been a combination of things, but I can’t complain. It might sound like I am, especially with the not so good bad things that has happened to us this year. The important thing is that I’m here, waking up every day to something new, something different. I know that when one door closes, another one opens. I just have to be patient and trust God.

Have a wonderful week!


Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Prepping for Spring!

That's all I do when I'm at home...lol. Well, that's not the only thing I like to do, but when I'm off from work and spending the entire day at home, that's the only time I have to tidy up the place. If it's not putting laundry away, I'm sweeping the floors and cleaning the bathroom (yuk!). That's just one of the many things my mom taught me and I like it! Now there are days when I want my fiance to help me, but overall, I like doing it myself. And with Spring around the corner, that motivates me even more to clean up, donate stuff, and throw stuff out.

Speaking of Spring, I was excited with the whole daylight savings time. I know some people hate it, but I love it!!! It can be 6pm and the sun's still out. It just makes me think about warm weather, bbq's, going for walks, you name it. I have to start planning my little garden, which happens to be mom's backyard...lol! Unless I can manage to get a little spot, with plenty of sunlight, here in my living room. My mom had rosemary, peppers, eggplant, and tomato. She...had...a...blast! I had basil, lots and lots of basil, but I wasn't able to use it all, so that kind of sucked. I'm hoping we can do the same thing this year, but with less basil...lol. I'm super excited!

What do you like the most about Spring?

Take care!


Thursday, March 7, 2013

Morning! I hope everyone's doing well. Tuesday was a busy and snowy day. Our morning was planned out: get our taxes done and then come home and relax for the rest of the day, but that didn't happen. Our car was acting up a little bit Monday night, so we thought we can just get our taxes done and come home quick, and take care of the car the next day. I wasn't going to be driving around in the middle of a snowstorm. Are you kidding me???!!!!

We decided to get the oil changed first, but the car was still acting up (battery light kept turning on), so we take it to this shop near our place and it turns out that it's the alternator....dun, dun, dun. The best thing is that the shop had the part and they were able to fix it right then and there, but we did not have the money :(   The guys at the shop told us to bring the car later that week, so they were charging the battery, but all I kept thinking about was to call my mom. My fiance said to give it a shot, so I called her to see if she was able to help us out, even though I don't like doing that. She, of course, said yes.

So we got our car fixed and we were able to get our taxes done...thank God!

We ended up getting 9 inches of snow! I was disappointed because I wanted it to continue snowing on Wednesday, with the hopes of not having to go in to work, but that didn't happen...oh well. Work wasn't bad, plus we got out a little early. I was just glad to come home at a decent time and be able to watch a couple of shows on the DVR.

Today, we're going to bible study. I'll be going to the women's bible study and then he'll be going to the men's bible study. So hopefully I get to see some new faces : )   I've been slacking off on going to bible study, especially on my days off, and that's not what I want to be doing. So I'm hoping that going there today gets me out of this funk and I can continue to go.

I hope you guys have a good day....take care!


Saturday, January 26, 2013

Learning to be patient and appreciating the things I have

Good morning! Hope everyone's week went well. Mine wasn't that bad, but let me recap on what's been going on.

In November I got a phone call for an interview to work at an arts and craft store, which was surprising because for two years I've had a difficult time getting a job, or at least going in for an interview. I went in for the interview and they wanted me to come in, the next day, for the orientation. I got the job a week before Thanksgiving, so it's been a learning experience. Started off as a temp job, but earlier this month I was told that they wanted to keep me, so I was happy when they told me that.

I've always pictured myself working a Monday-Friday, 9-5 kind of job, but things can't always go our way. I know that God has blessed me in so many different ways and from not having a job for two years, to now having this little part-time job is amazing. At the same time it drives me crazy, because for four years I always said that I DID NOT want to go back to retail. Everything from the crazy hours to being called in on your days off was and still is something that I don't like. But I'm trying to see it like this: I have a job. It's not permanent, I'm still going to keep looking for a full-time job, but for now I have a job and it's paying the bills. I'm not stressing out and having migraines every day like I was a year ago. So that's a good thing! : )

On top of top, my fiance and I have been going to church together and also doing bible study. So I think that's something that has helped me a lot, especially when it comes to being patient and being positive, but most importantly, not losing faith. So I'm looking forward to being more involved with this church.

Now I'm going to relax, maybe finish crocheting my infinity scarf, before going to work today. I hope you guys are having a fun Saturday...take care!
