Tuesday, January 14, 2014

This is my year!

Man…January seems to be going by real fast. But I can’t complain! : )

2013 has left me with this feeling of making some huge changes. I know, I know…people always do that when the new year starts, but this time it’s for real!

It’s perfect timing, for me, because my mom is out of town and that gives me more time to focus on myself and prioritize things. There's a reason why I want  have to do this, because if I don't start somewhere things are just going to keep going downhill.


For years I would go months without having my period, or the days I did get it it was pretty heavy and the cramps were bad. Now I bet there are women out there who would say that that's normal, but it isn't. About 2-3 years ago, I’ve been doing some research and I wanted to know what all these symptoms that I have meant. Everything I read…every symptom…I had it. I had PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome). To know that I’ve been dealing with this for 17 years, it just left me…..I just couldn’t believe it. 

I go see my gyno and he tells me the same thing....I have PCOS. The doctor, of course, has me on the pill for a couple years, that doesn’t fix it, and then has me on some other stuff, that doesn’t fix it…here comes October 2013 and I’m about to have my FIRST outpatient surgery!

My husband and I have been talking about wanting kids for a couple of years now and after we got married, we definitely want to start a family. When I told my doctor that haven’t had a “regular” period and that I’ve been bleeding for months, almost a year, that’s when he suggested that I have a D & C/laparoscopy. Oh, boy! Was I nervous. I was freaking out because I’ve never gotten general anesthesia, so every wild and crazy thought was crossing my mind. I’m just glad it took a couple of hours and I was able to go home after that. I DO NOT like hospitals, and that hospital bed is uncomfortable. 

Two weeks later, I go see my doctor to get the stitches removed, and after talking to him for a while the doctor said that we can definitely start trying to have kids, but he was giving us 6 month. Now don’t forget, what he temporarily fixed would come back, so he threw out there that if trying to conceive naturally doesn’t work, he’ll refer us to a fertility specialist. Say what?!!! It’s been difficult. I feel like I’m back in the same boat and I choose not to go through the same procedure again. So I spent the last month and a half doing more research on PCOS and how to treat it in a more natural way. I honestly don’t want to be putting a bunch of crap in my body. I don’t want to slap a band-aid on PCOS. What my body’s going through, it’s not fair. It’s embarrassing. I’m tired of it!!!!!!!!!

So this year, I need to make some changes, especially for my health. I know that God has a baby boy or girl for us, and I pray every day that this will go away. 


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