Thursday, March 13, 2014

New Beginnings!

Happy Friday Eve everyone!

This week has been an exciting week for us. Last Thursday my husband and I went apartment hunting, and we found the one we liked!!!! Since we had a budget, we knew what we were looking for, but we only got to look at two apartments, which is ok because we ended up loving the second apartment we saw. Big living room and dining room, the kitchen is smaller than the one we had before, BUT there's plenty of counter space. It's a vintage building, but who cares! LOL  We feel that God was there the whole time because all I thought about was having people from church over and doing prayer groups, bible study, etc. There's parking space and lots of places to go to in the area. Plus, I'll only be 8-9 minutes away from my mom.

We filled out the application and just had to wait until everything was checked and verified. It wasn't until Monday when my husband got a phone call from the office that manages the apartment building. Everything was ok, but they couldn't verify his job (that always happens, don't know why). He took care of everything that same day and I get a phone call from him later that day saying that we were approved!

We'll be moving in April 1, but we were given the green light to start bringing our stuff over at the end of the month. So I'm super excited and thanking God every day for this blessing. It's been a major roller coaster living at my mom's, but I got to learn a lot (and still am) about having patience and letting God do his job. Let the countdown begin! : )


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