Saturday, July 14, 2012


It's been a while since I last posted something, so let me update you guys on what's been going on here at Crocheted Cookies. Last week was a good and not so good 4th of July week:

- Our car wasn't working all week, so my fiance was taking the bus to work, which isn't bad because his job isn't far from where we live.

- I was sick on the 4th, so we stayed in and made it a movie day. We watched Transformers 3, Kung Fu Panda 2, Man on Fire and Drive. The last movie was a little weird, especially with how it ended. On top of that my fiance's cousins were in town visiting, so we had to tweak our plans a little bit.

- The weather was bad, it was in the 100's for almost 3 days, but we got to spend some time with the cousins on Thursday. Even though we didn't have a car we still hopped on the bus/train to go see them.

- On Friday we finally were able to get a hold of a tow truck to take the car to a shop. What we thought was a problem with the starter turned out to be the battery! So a new battery was bought and everything was good after that. We took the cousins out for drinks, so our night wasn't bad.

- On Saturday my fiance and I got ready to head out to see the cousins, so we spent the whole day hanging out, eating, taking pictures, talking, was a good day. The best thing is that it wasn't in the 100's that day, it actually cooled down! I was bummed out because we had several things planned out for them, but I'm hoping they come back so that they can go see Chicago and do some shopping and eat at some of the cool places we like to go to.

So, that was my good and not so good 4th of July week, but we got to relax all day Sunday and we did a some grocery shopping, which was good. I got to see my mom this week, which was also good.

I hope everyone had an awesome 4th of July! I hope that next year's 4th will be a good one for me, so we'll see. Enjoy your weekend!!!


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