Wednesday, October 24, 2012

What's up my peeps?!!!

LOL...I hope everyone's doing good. I seem to be falling behind on my posts, but its been a neverending roller coaster here at la casa de Crocheted Cookies. So to give you guys a quick recap, here goes.

In late September I was working at a manufacturing company, temp job, which was good because I needed the money, but it was bad on my health. Getting up at 3AM is something I'm not use to and by the time I got home and made dinner, I wound up getting 3-4 hours of sleep. My allergies were kicking my butt, because the warehouse was so dusty, and that also contributed to the lack of sleep. I was experiencing everything from stuffy nose, running nose, sneezing, etc. It was horrible : (

In the end, the company had to let me go because of my attendance, which by the way I'm not the type to go to work late or miss out on a lot of days. But let me tell you that days after being let go I was starting to feel a lot better, health wise. It's been a little difficult starting from square one all over again. I'm always praying for doors to start opening up, because I could use it right about now.

For now I'm going to try to work on organizing the blog, that way I can post more often, so bear with me as I'm going through these ups and downs. This blog means a lot to me and I want to be able to share recipes, give you a little glance as to what's going on in my world, and also get to know people in the blog world. So here's to starting a new chapter, if I can call it that : )

Take care!

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