Thursday, March 7, 2013

Morning! I hope everyone's doing well. Tuesday was a busy and snowy day. Our morning was planned out: get our taxes done and then come home and relax for the rest of the day, but that didn't happen. Our car was acting up a little bit Monday night, so we thought we can just get our taxes done and come home quick, and take care of the car the next day. I wasn't going to be driving around in the middle of a snowstorm. Are you kidding me???!!!!

We decided to get the oil changed first, but the car was still acting up (battery light kept turning on), so we take it to this shop near our place and it turns out that it's the alternator....dun, dun, dun. The best thing is that the shop had the part and they were able to fix it right then and there, but we did not have the money :(   The guys at the shop told us to bring the car later that week, so they were charging the battery, but all I kept thinking about was to call my mom. My fiance said to give it a shot, so I called her to see if she was able to help us out, even though I don't like doing that. She, of course, said yes.

So we got our car fixed and we were able to get our taxes done...thank God!

We ended up getting 9 inches of snow! I was disappointed because I wanted it to continue snowing on Wednesday, with the hopes of not having to go in to work, but that didn't happen...oh well. Work wasn't bad, plus we got out a little early. I was just glad to come home at a decent time and be able to watch a couple of shows on the DVR.

Today, we're going to bible study. I'll be going to the women's bible study and then he'll be going to the men's bible study. So hopefully I get to see some new faces : )   I've been slacking off on going to bible study, especially on my days off, and that's not what I want to be doing. So I'm hoping that going there today gets me out of this funk and I can continue to go.

I hope you guys have a good day....take care!


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